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Connecticut Corporate Bylaws Templates (5)

Connecticut corporate bylaws list the rules of operation that an entity and its officers and directors must follow. Connecticut requires that a corporation set its bylaws to comply with state law. However, it remains an internal document and should only be filed with a government office if requested.

A well-developed set of bylaws will do more than satisfy state requirements.  By listing the board of directors’ roster and officers along with the protocol, they will follow when meeting, a corporation will have a consistent procedure to rely on. If desired, other topics, such as stock descriptions and operational policies, can be established through a corporation’s bylaws.

Is it REQUIRED in Connecticut?

No. Connecticut corporations are allowed to keep corporate bylaws but not required to do so as per Connecticut Gen Stat § 33-640.

Templates (5)

eForms.com Version



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NorthwestRegisteredAgent.com Version



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eSign.com Version



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TemplateRoller.com Version



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FormsPal.com Version



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