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North Carolina Corporate Bylaws Templates (5)

North Carolina corporate bylaws must include every item from its articles of incorporation and a record of its how it shall operate. Additionally, a full roster, including an assignment of voting power, of every board member must be presented with guidelines to govern their conduct, board meetings, and committees.

It is also imperative that a North Carolina corporation define its organization’s policies, portfolio, mission, structure, and managerial practices in its bylaws. Many would recommend that future board meetings endeavor to keep the corporation’s bylaws current with any changes in the law, the internal structure of the organization, and its operations.

Is it REQUIRED in North Carolina?

Yes. Only North Carolina corporations functioning under corporate bylaws formally issued by its board of directors, shareholders, or other governing officers can be considered compliant with North Carolina state law (NC Gen. Stat. § 55-2-06).

Templates (5)

eForms.com Version



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NorthwestRegisteredAgent.com Version



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eSign.com Version



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LegalTemplates.net Version



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TemplateRoller.com Version



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