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Nebraska LLC Operating Agreement Templates (2)

Nebraska limited liability company operating agreement is a clear way of preserving the description of a member’s authority and responsibilities in an LLC for future reference. These definitions will be accompanied by a summarization of the Nebraska LLC’s operating rules, all of which can be quite beneficial. For instance, it is generally considered imperative to solidify the Nebraska LLC’s tax status in this agreement as early as possible in the company’s history.

This agreement is a binding contract in the state of Nebraska once it is signed. Nebraska business owners should thus make sure they are well-informed of their responsibilities before committing them to paper and then submitting their binding signature.

Is it Required in Nebraska?

No. Nebraska has no laws demanding that limited liability companies adopt an operating agreement.

Templates (2)

Single-Member LLC operating agreement – Contractual agreement to be used between a limited liability company with only one (1) member.

Download; Adobe PDF, MS Word


Multi-Member LLC operating agreement – A contract to be used by limited liability companies made up of at least (2) members.


Download; Adobe PDF, MS Word

State Definition

“(14) ‘Operating agreement’ means the agreement, whether or not referred to as an operating agreement and whether oral, in a record, implied, or in any combination thereof, of all the members of a limited liability company, including a sole member. The term includes the agreement as amended or restated.”
