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South Dakota Multi-Member LLC Operating Agreement Templates (5)

The South Dakota multi-member limited liability company agreement provides a final description of an LLC’s roster, status, and policies. Here, the purpose of the company, how it will function on the market, and its exact relationship with each member will be documented and acknowledged by the LLC owners’ signature. Professional consultants will often suggest drafting this contract as a matter of safety as well as a means of proving a managing member’s powers to various institutions (i.e. banks).

South Dakota LLC members are also often advised to make sure they are both capable and willing to adhere to their capital contribution requirements and the resulting benefits and protections that will be attached to them in this contract before dispensing their binding signature.

Templates (5) 

LLCUniversity.com Version 



Download; Adobe PDF, MS Word

eForms.com Version 



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NorthwestRegisteredAgent.com Version



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eSign.com Version 



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TemplateRoller.com Version



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