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Massachusetts Multi-Member LLC Operating Agreement Templates (5)

The Massachusetts multi-member limited liability company agreement summarizes the conditions and terms that company owners wish to adopt for their LLC.  Since it is a written contract and must be signed, it also provides the members with a record of their contributions, the power structure and voting rights that will be assigned to each, how the distributions for company profit will be made, and establish which member or members will be able to perform company actions such as enter a contract or take out a business loan.

While a significant effort will be made to define each member’s role, this contract shall also deal directly with definitions ranging from how the company will operate and pay taxes as an entity to its policies and behavior on the market. Therefore, Massachusetts company owners would be well-advised to seek a professional in their industry to execute a strong agreement that is both fair and well-rounded.

Templates (5)

eForms.com Version



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LLCUniversity.com Version



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LLCOperatingAgreements.org Version



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NorthwestRegisteredAgent.com Version 



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eSign.com Version



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